Partnership Program

Since 2015, National Safety Council-Maharashtra Chapter is addressing Road Safety issues at large by devising effective methods for practicing Road Safety to achieve the “Vision Zero” attitude among society & industry through advocacy & service, by committing to the United Nation's Decade of Action on Road Safety. We regularly organize Road Safety awareness program for school children, college students, etc. We also developed a training module on Defensive Driving and organizing training for drivers from various fields.

National Safety Council - Maharashtra Chapter is proud to announce a new program on Road Safety "Advocacy of Road Safety in Industries". Directorate of Industrial Safety & Health, Government of Maharashtra is the partner for this program and Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) is the facilitator for this program. GRSP is an entity of the United Nations.​

The objectives of the program are

  • Develop Road Safety guidelines and SOP’s for industries
  • Promote adoption and implementation of the guidelines and SOP’s by industries

To achieve the above objectives a special Task Force of all the stakeholders from industries and Government is formed to facilitate & implement the program.

The overall purpose of the project is to contribute to building the Road Safety culture in the industrial sector of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region by helping the industries to develop and implement strong Road Safety policies focused on road user behavioral risk factors.

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